htm1-pp 1.0


The htm1-pp processor expands macros found in .htm1-files and produces a corresponding .html-file. (it accepts .HTM1 as well). The possible macros are not restricted to those predefined - you can even define your own macros in the actual .htm1-sourcefile.

The syntax is modelled as to be able to directly feed plain rfc822 internet-mail messages to htm1-pp . The predefined functionality in htm1-pp will try to produce a nice result, or really, to arrive at a nice result without much changes in that e-mail for you.

The htm1-pp perl-based processor has served me very well in the past months (so I hope to got rid of major bugs). At the time of writing, I am always using htm1-pp to create html-documents - even this html-document has an accompanying .htm1-file (index.htm1) that it was built from.


Use `htm1-pp index.htm1' to produce a corresponding `index.html' containing html-code. Messages to the screen will tell you about the predefined macro-files and perl-files loaded in advance to process your `index.htm1'.

If you are often using a Makefile, you may want to include the following:
 .SUFFIXES .html .htm1 .c .h 

        htm1-pp $<

 all: *.html
so you can just call `make' to convert your .htm1-files into their corresponding .html-files.


A htm1-tag does always end with a single colon, optionally followed by subtag arguments in round parentheses.
The start of a tag is marked by

You are free to embed arbitrary html-tags as long as the first opening angle starts at the beginning of a line. The actual source code for the table above looks like this
  <table border=1 width=80%>
   {b\: all this text will be
      set in bold face } but not this 
   {b: all this text will be
      set in bold face } but not this 
note how the `b:'-tag in the first column had been masked with a backslash.

Predefined macros

Here should be a list full of pointers to pages telling you about the predefined macros. As you can see, most these aren't working. Alas, you are free to look at the source code that is containd in:

Anyway, these files above (along with documentation) form the distribution files. There's nothing more to it, just small and powerful.

Check out these documents...

Defining macros

The macro names you can choose must match the regular expressions
'[\w\+\-][\w\+\-\#]+' for about any tag or
'[\w\+\-\=\*][\w\+\-\#\=]+' for line-only tags.

In normal words: you can choose any alphanumeric name plus '+' and '-'. Line-only tags may also contain '=' and they may also start with one '*'. Besides used as the first letter, the names may also contain '#'.

html-tag1 & html-tag2

Usually html-tags must be written with an opening html-tag, the enclosed text, and a closing html-tag (written like "</end>"). You can declare those with `html-tag2:' which is followed by the tag name and its arguments.

Some html-tags are not used with a closing tag, e.g. the horizontal ruler <hr>, or the <img>-tag. That's what the `html-tag1:' is for.

Most of the simple html-tags should be predefined, but sometimes you get warnings about `unknown tag {blockquote:...}'. Then simply do `html-def2: blockquote "blockquote"' and recompile. If you try to define a tag that had already been declared in a predefinition-file, you will be warned about `redefining blockquote'. You can again get rid of this warning by preceding the acting word with an `x-*'. That is `x-html-def2: blockquote "blockquote"' will not warn you about a redefinition, but you can still use it.

Note that `html-tag2:' has some intelligence, so that a blue-tag like `html-tag2: blue "font color=blue"' will be expanded to `<font color=blue>...</font>' (which you would expect).


The `html-def' can do a lot more for you. Contrary to `html-tag2:' you should not leave out the (sharp) angles used for the html-tags. On use of such a html-def, the htm1-tag is replace directly with the text.

Yet, there's some magic in html-def too. When expanding the definition, you can access the values of variables. They should look like `$(name)'. Two special variables are `$(*)' for the enclosed text, and `$(.)' for the current sub-tag arguments on htm1-tag use. (`$()' is a compatibility synonym for `$(*)').


What are variables? Well actually, the name is a little misleading. It is simply a storage of the values of the last expansions. An explicit variable usage is (currently) called `put:'. Just try to `{put:h2}' to get the latest section-header as a string. A real benifit comes from the `x-*' tags - which would normally just suppress a warning about non-known tags being tried. In the header, unknown tags would normally expand to html <meta>-tags. But at the same time, their value is stored for later use.

So in fact, I am often using `{put:title}' and `{put:From}' in the bottom line. And I use `{x-bgcolor: #FFFFE0}' in the header to get the specified bgcolor. Inside of `html-def:' definitions you can access the these variables using a `$(From)' syntax that will be expanded later to the current value of the name variable.
using `{put:From}' in a `html-def:'-definition would be expanded before the definition is stored, so you would get the same value on each expansion of `html-def''s right side. Mostly, this is not what you wanted to have.


Functions are not defined in a ht1-file, instead you include them in a perl-inclusion file a.k.a. pl1-file. The perl argument is simply the current enclosement (`$(*)'). The current sub-tags are handily available in the %Args hash. And the last expansions of other tags are accessible in %Vars. You can add or delete other sub-tag arguments and get the whole slew of them with `&getArgs()', such as in `return "<table".getArgs().">".@_."</table>";'.

Just look into the predefined functions to learn some of the tricks.

load order

On compiling your .htm1 source files into .html files you will notice a bunch of files being pre-loaded for you. Here's the order:

get `/usr/etc/' and `/usr/etc/'
get `/usr/html/etc/' and `/usr/html/etc/'
get `~/etc/' and `~/etc/'
get `~/' and `~/'
get `./etc/' and `./etc/'
get `./' and `./'

and replace the '#'-number sign with "",1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 in this order. So you may copy some files to your project directory (or the project's subdirectory `etc') and have them included in order. No need to combine them into one. If you install htm1-pp in your home-`bin' then you may want to put your personal favourites under `~/etc/htm1-pp.pl2' or `~/.htm1-pp.pl2' instead of using the "official" `.pl1'. Good luck.

Special Features

There is made a distinction between the header of a file and its body - just like in an e-mail message the header expands down to the first empty line after which the body part starts.

In the header, line-tags may actually span multiple lines - as long as the extension lines don't start at the first column and have rather a little indent-space before.

Even more unknown tags are not really warned - they are transferred into meta-tags. So `Organization: Lucky Company' will expand to `<meta name="Organization" value="Lucky Company"'. You should use this especially to set the keywords of the document!!

The value of unknown x-tags will simply be stored in the Vars-space, and no meta-tag is generated (fine for emails with X-Status tags...).

After the header-part has been fully compiled, the htm1-pp program turns to the body. When it comes to the point to spit out the text, the last body-color, link-color Var-values, etc. are being put in the corresponding sub-tags of the <body>-tag.

Other specials:

Have fun!


The distribution file contains the files along in their usual subdirectories `bin' `etc' and `doc'. So installation goes safely by going to the desired prefix-directory (or just stay in your home-directory) and expand the tar-file. In an xterm-shell you would do `tar xzvf htm1-pp.tgz'.

It is very probably you have to edit `bin/htm1-pp''s first line to point to the `perl'-interpreter. Again, in a shell you can usually type `type -p perl' or `whereis perl' to get the path.

That should be it. It may get a lot nastier on non-unix systems. I am currently running it under linux, hpux and solaris, installed under my home directory.

Bugs & Caveats & Things to watch out for

bugs & caveats do most often have to do with functions, since those are quite special. I recommend to name all functions with an additional non-alpha-numerical character in the name, so that you'll be warned. (well, quite a few function-tags don't follow this rule yet, I'll try hard to rename them... so expect changes)


The package is Free Software in the notion of Lesser GPL, (the `GNU Library General Public License') - you can inform yourself about the meaning of free software, their benefits/drawbacks/liability and other possible licenses at, or the Original - The Free Software Foundation.

- and remember: faithful in the matter, but use at your own risk - the sources tell you all
they are your safety, warranty, compatibility, portability, and much more



comments, bugfixes, patches or extensions - everything's wellcome.

(C) Aug'99-Oct'99 Guido Draheim htm1-pp 1.0