The *.tar.gz contains a simple and valid *.spec file, the usual
rpm maker can simply do
rpm -ta errno-0.2.3.tar.gz
and new rpm packages will exist with containing both the bin/errno
file and the html documentation in share/groups/*...
The package itself is made using autoconf/automake including the
usual build sequence:
sh configure --prefix=$HOME && make && make install
which will install the errno(1) tool as $HOME/bin/errno.
A second option exists to rebuild the html documentation and
install it:
make doc && make install-doc
The package does not contain a troff manpage on purpose:
when a programmer wants to look up a `man errno` then
it is better to present errno(3) which is provided by the
system maker. Installing an errno.1 along with this project would
make `man errno` to present errno(1) of course which
is most probably not what the programmer wants - and worse, some
newb programmer might overlook the fact and never read errno(3).
Packagers are therefore advised to not create a troff manpage,
even when general policies require that (e.g. debian packages).
Simply refuse it, and if you can not stand it, then do atleast
just a symlink errno(3) into errno(1) - do not use help2man,